Capping written in black font on a white background & 4 vertical small yellow lines to its left.


Sheetmetal capping and flashing is used for waterproofing roofs and walls, especially in conjunction with metal roofing and cladding materials. They're all available in either Colorbond or Zincalume finishes and cut to any length you like, up to 8 metres.

Roll-Top Ridge Capping

This is the most familiar one. It has the rounded bit on top, and is usually used with corrugated iron. Because it is roll-formed, not manually folded, it's a little cheaper than the alternative, and is available in longer lengths too.

Plain Ridge Capping

This Ridge Capping comes to a point at the top, and is available in dimensions to suit all roofing profiles.

Barge Capping

Barge Capping is used down the edges of the roof sheets to cover gaps or sharp edges, and give a finished look to the roof.

Apron Flashing

This is sometimes called "parapet flashing" is used where a roof meets an existing wall.

Tile Flashing

This is used where a metal roof comes off an existing tile roof, and prevents rainwater from flowing back under the roof tiles.

Valley Gutter

Valleys are formed by the intersection between two sections of roof. This flashing ensures the water flows down to the gutter line.

Barge Roll

Barge Roll is the "old fashioned" way to do the same job as Barge Capping. Available in 2.4m lengths only, it's main use today is in capturing that "heritage" look.